First off I would like to thank everyone for your support. Your encouragement and kind words became the fuel that powered me to decide upon entering the contest. So what are the results? I entered six classes and won ribbons in all six. That translates to four second places, one third place and one honorable mention. No first place…but for a first timer entering a contest with arrangements put together in a hurry (6 in about 3 hours), second place is pretty good… at least that’s what I’m telling myself. Lol! Anyways, thanks for all of your support and encouragement everybody couldn’t have done it without you. Cheers!
Class 1860: Design of Chrysanthemum; 2nd place

Class 1863: Design of Mixed Flowers Valued Under $30; 2nd place

Class 1864: Design of Mixed Flowers Valued Over $30.00; 2nd place

Class 1868: Novelty Design Using a Container other than a Vase or Basket; honorable mention

Class 1871: Fresh Wedding Bouquet; 2nd place

Class 1874: Corsage; 3rd place

Class 1863: Design of Mixed Flowers Valued Under $30; 2nd place
Class 1864: Design of Mixed Flowers Valued Over $30.00; 2nd place
Class 1868: Novelty Design Using a Container other than a Vase or Basket; honorable mention
Class 1871: Fresh Wedding Bouquet; 2nd place
Class 1874: Corsage; 3rd place